Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dreaming Big

Q: Was this woman asleep when you took the picture?

A: No, actually, "Produce Vendor, Tokyo" has her eyes open. In the full size print you can see that she looks more like she's daydreaming than dreaming.

This is the first image of the series. The Dream Big t-shirt in this shot inspired an Internet search that turned up this quote from former Miss Universe Japan, Kurara Chibana: “Dream big, build self-confidence, although in Japan, that can sometimes work against you. Then, because you fear rejection, you hide your passion and eventually, it becomes difficult to hold onto your beliefs and dreams. Establish yourself around people you can trust, like friends and family, until you become self-assured.” This quote further inspired our research into unfair working conditions for Japanese women. That's how we came up with the idea for the series.

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